Floreal Art for the Liturgy

The course is addressed to sacristans, custodians of churches and chapels and to all those, men and women, who, with generosity, wish to begin to place themselves at the service of the liturgy through floral art, but also to those who are already engaged in this activity, wants to deepen its technical and liturgical knowledge.

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Architecture and Arts for Liturgy 2020-2021

High specialization post-graduate course 2020/2021

General information

The Pontifical Liturgical Institute has instituted a training course that shows architects, designers and workers that "the fine arts, especially religious art and its summit, sacred art by its very nature have a relationship with the infinite divine beauty that must somehow be expressed by the works of man" (SC 122).
The course offers an introduction to liturgical themes that will guide participants to an exact understanding of the theological foundation from which the coordinates of architecture and sacred art flow, with special attention to the biblical, ecclesiological and sacramental dimensions.
The specialization is biennial (70 ECTS = 25 ECTS for each year + 20 ECTS for the final thesis). The two years are not propaedeutic. Each academic hour is 45 minutes.


The course can be accessed:

  • graduates and graduates (old and new) in architecture and engineering with an architectural focus;
  • graduated in academy BB.AA;
  • graduates at other faculties related to historical-artistic addresses, after evaluation and authorization of the course coordinator;
  • religious who hold, or intend to hold, institutional and / or consulting positions for the design of churches;
  • hearers, subject to the authorization of the course coordinator.


The Pontifical Liturgical Institute issues the following titles:

  • attestate of frequency for the subscribers to each year, or to the individual modules;
  • frequency certificate for listeners;
  • diploma in Studiis de Architectura Artibusque ad Liturgiam spectantibus.

Auditors are not allowed to obtain the diploma.

Enrolment fees

It is possible to subscribe both to the whole year and to one or more individual modules

  • full annuity:
    • new members € 1.506,00
    • already enrolled in another course of the University and listeners € 856,00.
  • single module:
    • new members € 50,00 for ECTS
    • already enrolled in another course of the University
    • 45,00 € for ECTS
    • give diploma € 260,00

For more information write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Scholarships: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Course location

Pontifical Athenaeum S. Anselmo
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5
00153 Rome - Italy
Tel. +39.06.5791401 - www.anselmianum.com

Training of Translators of Latin Liturgical Texts

Making a good translation of liturgical texts requires an extensive knowledge as well as certain art. It is a long, complicated and above all delicate process that can influence the life of the Church. In fact, the problem of language and translations of the liturgical texts, from a theological and pastoral point of view, is one of the most challenging issues. That is why the Pontifical Liturgical Institute decided, in collaboration with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, to establish a specialized course in liturgical translations. The course is designed to be both theoretical and practical, an approach which can develop, unite and support the above-mentioned perspectives, always bearing in mind that the final goal is the “Church in prayer”, a significant moment during which the work of our redemption is carried out.



To whom is the course addressed? To those who are responsible for different liturgical areas in dioceses, orders and congregations, or in national episcopal conferences, but above all to those entrusted with preparation of the translations of liturgical books in the current languages.
Course objectives We intend to provide the tools to achieve an adequate level of competence in some of the fundamental subjects, such as the linguistic field, therefore special attention will be given to Latin liturgy, history, theology and other formal topics, in order to facilitate the transition from editio typica to translations officially approved for liturgical use.
The structure of the course The course is divided into two independent parts. The first one will take three (3) weeks, will be taught entirely online and is intended to be a preparatory part presenting topics of the Latin language and various problems concerning translations of liturgical texts. The second part will take four (4) weeks and will include classroom lectures, a visit to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, and guided tours of the city of Rome.
Costs The total price for those enrolled is € 2.600,00 (course + lodging). For those who would like to stay elsewhere, the cost is € 1.564,00.






Liturgical Pastoral Care

The Pontifical Institute of Liturgy proposes an in-depth course in Liturgical Pastoral Care, with the aim of perfecting the formation of all those involved in the liturgy, from presidency to animation, and supporting them in facing the challengesto which the contemporary Church is called to respond. Indeed, the Council teaches that the liturgy is the culmination and source of Christian life, but it is noted that it is often assimilated to other pastoral activities and does not manifest its characteristic nature as the center of the path of the ecclesial community and as the fulcrum of spiritual life and action of evangelization. Furthermore, postmodern contemporary culture, by its nature didactic and accustomed to the sensational, has distorted the words, signs and gestures of the celebratory experience, risking the suffocation of the Mystery.

The training course proposes an itinerary that helps the participants, through lessons, dialogue with teachers and personal study, to confront and reflect on the themes proposed, to elaborate a new ecclesial pointof view on liturgical pastoral care. The course is held live online (recordings will also be made available) and at the end of each lesson there is usually a short discussion with the teacher.



Duration 16 lessons of 3 hours, every Tuesday from 2:30 to 4:45 p.m.
Mode The on-line lessons can be followed live or by downloading the recording.
Purpose of the course
  • Help the participants to grasp the link between liturgy and evangelization, bearing in mind that the Church evangelizes and evangelizes itself with the beauty of the liturgy.(EG 24).
  • Addressing the challenges of parish pastoral care and environments; offer lines of rereading and replanning of the pastoral path; reflect on the forms of ordinary pastoral care.
  • Promote understanding of the pastoral dimension of the liturgical reform and its implementation in the contemporary Church.
Fields of application
  • Presbyteral and diaconal ministry; exercise of ecclesial ministries.
  • Formation of future priests and consecrated persons. Direction of a liturgical office.
  • Parish and religious liturgical and pastoral animation.
  • Organization of episcopal celebrations.
  • Musical animation.
Recipients Priests (especially those in charge of diocesan liturgical offices, parish priests and new parish priests), permanent deacons, women and men religious (especially those in charge of the liturgical and musical animation of religious communities or provinces), acolytes and readers, ministers, those responsible for liturgical celebrations, organists, choir directors and choristers, church architects, catechists, lay and laity (especially members of parish liturgical groups).
Attestations and requirements
  • ordinary students who take the final exam are awarded a diploma and are awarded the ECTS (upon presentation of a bachelor's degree in theology or a diploma in theology from a theological institute).
  • extraordinary students who take the final exam are issued a certificate of attendance with a grade (upon presentation of a certificate of attendance with a positive outcome of the liturgy course for pastoral care organized by the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in collaboration with the Liturgical Office of the Vicariate of Rome; more qualification at a university or pontifical or ecclesiastical institute, which is previously accepted in the judgment of the University).
  • guest students, whether they take the final exam or do not take the final exam, are issued a certificate of participation (no previous qualifications are required).
Fees Registration €300,00.
Final test (new) Those wishing to take the exam in order to obtain the ECTS, must deliver a written work of about 15 pages on one of the lessons of the course, attaching it by email to the registrar, addressed to the course coordinator.
The theme does not have to be approved by the teachers, but can be chosen directly by the student.
The work must not be a summary of what the teacher has taught, but, in light of the existing bibliography, must show the ability to reflect on the topic and to present one's own motivating point of view. In addition, it must offer some pastoral lines in view of or in light of one's ministry (baptismal or diaconal or presbyteral, or in the context of consecrated life).
The work must be received by 15 July 2021. After this date it will be considered as delivered in the next exam session.




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